
The game sadly is incomplete, all dungeons are empty now :(

So...  just wonder arround an kill some frogs :D


Atlas Island once was a peaceful place but one  day the dark mage Goldomor casted a spell in the island, making all who reamind there terrible sick.
The Oracle has predicted that one day a hero called by the name o Zildo will be able to stand on Atlas again and resist the unholy spell.
Zildo ... You must go to Atlas Island, defeat the four dark guardians, use their medals to summon Goldomor, and put an end to his age of terror.  


A,W,S,D : Movement

1,2,3,4:  Change active rellic

Enter: Menu/Inventory

K : Sword Attack

J: Magic Attack


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Game not loading

Uncaught TypeError: navigator.userActivation is undefined

Are you using Firefox?



Yeah, sadly Firefox is not supported right now. You can try any other Bowser, it should work